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Monday, March 5, 2012

Love Holiday

Nurse Dave,
As the holiday of love just passed, I have a question for you. Have you ever had a male friend dress in all pink, including tights, wear a gigantic pink cardboard heart that says "luv u" on it, and parade around campus on Valentine's Day?

Just curious. I think we could all benefit from friends like that.

Your biggest fan,
Courtney Hohl Morris

Sorry about the lateness in the response Courtney. I'm still getting over my two week celebration of Valentine's Day. I can't really get enough of the holiday and I love tiny heart shaped confetti. I love Valentine's Day so much that I can even forgive the awful taste of Conversation Hearts (I just think we can do better). If my hospital allowed me to wear anything other than navy blue scrubs you can be assured there would be a lot of hearts on my scrubs (or at least a tasteful zebra print). In the end I'm in favor of any holiday that celebrates love.

I do happen to remember that guy with the tights. From what I understand he still wears them every Valentine's Day and they were a hit at the Boys Ranch that he currently works at. I also think there are plans to get tights that match each major holiday. May I suggest green for St. Patricks Day in a couple of weeks?

Finally some suggestions for next year (or just for your next romantic date)
1. Don't go out for steak and don't do sushi either, split the difference get some humus
2. Cooking dinner at home can be romantic. From what I understand the onion is the most sensual of the roots.
3. Dancing is the way to a woman's heart (Just this morning there was dancing at my house to this song. The part about how hard times come and hard times go is very much true.)
4. Sunsets are good.
5. Watch any movie based on a Nicholas Sparks book. I've only ever seen A Walk to Remember but when he gave her that sweater I began to understand what love was really about.
6. Go on a walk (this can be nice even if you didn't just give or receive a sweater).
7. Buy her a nice sweater (or him!)
8. Sing to her, sweetly.

Valentines 2012 (Nurse Dave on the left, Mrs. Nurse Dave on the right)

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